Music Video
(Hailee Steinfield's "Love myself")
Process- Our initial process was wrecked by snow days and the cold so our plan started strong but ended as an on the fly montage of our singer. this sounds horrible, but was much better than one would anticipate.
My role- I did my best to find a spot, but I did not really shine until the editing process where i found more success. This project showed me that i need to get myself out there. However, I did not like this project so it was hard for me to get involved.
Learned skills- Many of the skills I learned were the ability to be proficient in premiere pro, but above that, nothing really.
Professional- My performance as a group member was poor as I was with other groups a lot, but I do think I have learned to think. During this project I conducted gossip with my group in some and was stood up about it. Since I took it way harder than I should of, to avoid that feeling again, I will think twice before talking about someone else.
Different- I would conduct myself differently, and everything else evolves from there.
Same- This project was just not my thing, so I would do everything differently.
Learned- Just go with the flow, and don't try for goals that clearly won't happen without getting in the way of the project's momentum. I should make a plan earlier so it can actually be initiated in time.
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