Written News Story

                      The news story I wrote was a vey interesting project that I did not see merit in until some time afterwards. It showed just how easy it can be to write a story, and how simple it is to see when someone is lying. these stories are usually not created to be enticing and emotional with the writing style, but rather the arrangement of the facts.

                              The initial hook is what drags a reader in, but after that, the reporter can sit back and let the facts sway the audience. This also brings up a good device for being able to see liars. If a reporter is to creative, wordy, or making the story less about the facts and more on certain opinions, it's very easy to see past. The arrangement of facts will be the kay, and is usually the hardest part and will get more people to believe it, as using creative style makes people unsure.

  United Sound: Giving the Gift of Music

                   Every Wednesday after the Olathe Northwest school day ends, a flock of musicians head down to the band room. These musicians have in their midst, both accomplished players and special education students, who come together at the weekly United Sound club to make music. In this club special education students are paired with a peer mentor to begin making music and to make a new friend. The club, is very new to the school, but is beloved by all who participate. This club offers a new chance to people who would not get the chance to be in the band, to play an instrument and experience the joy of music. The group has recently made a debut at the winter concert, where the special education students, now new musicians, performed Sleigh Ride with Raven Winds. The concert was a huge success and the members and musicians look forward to a new semester with the program.
