The Big Production

                        ONW Now was always interesting to me from a perspective of someone who went into high school expecting and seeing seamless execution, and then seeing this. My first ONW Now was weird and I expected more, and this project helped me see how truly hard it is to produce such a show.

                            I was largely not involved in the actual production, as I only did a voice over, but I saw a lot of people find their calling. I think I also found my work ethic, as my story was really the only one that worked and overall felt good. This was the result of after school hours, and I regret none of it. I loved being able to sit back and watch my work with all the others on production day. It meant more to me at that point than the actual production, that I had finally produced work to be proud of. Also Andrew was a huge help and the final shine would not have been if he was not there.
